SOAP vs REST API: Exploring the Fundamentals and Key Distinctions


A SOAP API (Application Programming Interface) is a web-based API that uses the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) protocol to exchange structured information between software applications. SOAP API is used to expose web services and make them available for other applications to use.

The SOAP API is a set of rules and protocols used to enable communication between software applications over the Internet. It defines how to format the message and what actions to take upon receiving it.

Advantages of SOAP API:

  1. Supports multiple data formats: SOAP API can be used with a wide range of data formats, including XML, JSON, and binary data.
  2. Provides standardized error handling: SOAP API defines a standardized error handling mechanism, which allows for consistent handling of errors across different systems.
  3. Supports security: SOAP API supports various security protocols such as HTTPS, SSL/TLS, and digital signatures to ensure secure data transmission.
  4. Wide compatibility: SOAP API can be used with a variety of programming languages, platforms, and operating systems, making it widely compatible.

Disadvantages of SOAP API:

  1. Overhead: The XML-based format of SOAP messages can result in larger message sizes, which can increase network traffic and processing time.
  2. Complexity: The SOAP protocol is more complex than other protocols such as REST, which can make it more difficult to implement and maintain.
  3. Limited browser support: SOAP API is not widely supported by web browsers, which can make it difficult to use in web-based applications.
  4. Slower performance: Due to the overhead associated with the XML-based format of SOAP messages, SOAP API may not be as fast as other API protocols, such as REST.


REST (Representational State Transfer) API is a web-based API that uses HTTP protocol to exchange data between software applications. REST API allows users to access and manipulate web resources using a simple and lightweight interface.

The REST API architecture is based on the concept of resources, which are identified by URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers). Resources can be manipulated using a set of predefined operations, including GET (retrieve a resource), POST (create a new resource), PUT (update a resource), and DELETE (delete a resource).

Advantages of REST API:

  1. Scalability: REST API is highly scalable due to its lightweight nature and the ability to cache responses.
  2. Flexibility: REST API can be used with a wide range of data formats, including XML, JSON, and binary data.
  3. Performance: Due to its lightweight nature, REST API is faster than other API protocols, such as SOAP.
  4. Wide compatibility: REST API can be used with a variety of programming languages, platforms, and operating systems, making it widely compatible.

Disadvantages of REST API:

  1. Security: REST API is not as secure as other API protocols, such as SOAP, because it does not provide built-in security features.
  2. Limited functionality: REST API has limited functionality when compared to other API protocols, such as SOAP.
  3. No standardization: REST API does not have a standardized specification, which can lead to inconsistency in API design and implementation.
  4. Lack of support for complex transactions: REST API is not designed for complex transactions, such as those involving multiple steps or transactions that require atomicity.

In summary, REST API is a simple and lightweight API protocol that provides a flexible and scalable way to access and manipulate web resources. While it has some limitations, REST API is widely used and compatible with many different programming languages and platforms, making it a popular choice for web-based APIs.


REST (Representational State Transfer) and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) are two different architectural styles for building web services.

REST is a lightweight, stateless architecture that uses HTTP to transfer data between client and server. RESTful APIs use standard HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to perform operations on resources, and return data in a variety of formats such as JSON, XML or HTML. REST APIs are widely used for web-based applications and mobile apps.

SOAP, on the other hand, is a more heavyweight protocol that uses XML for message exchange. SOAP APIs use an XML-based messaging protocol, with a set of rules for exchanging structured information over the Internet. SOAP APIs can support a wider variety of communication protocols, including HTTP, SMTP, and TCP. SOAP is often used in enterprise applications and is known for its reliability and robustness.

In summary, REST is a lightweight, stateless architecture that uses HTTP, while SOAP is a more heavyweight protocol that uses XML. REST is often used for web-based applications and mobile apps, while SOAP is more commonly used in enterprise applications.